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Guide for Authors > For Authors and Reviewers > Guide for Authors

∎ Types of publications
Journals include research papers, reviews, technical notes, technical information, field reports, special features, and discussions associated with environmental engineering. The manuscripts must not be presented or published in other academic journals and publications before submitting to this journal. In general, the main article types are as follows:
  1. Research papers: Research papers should include innovative research results along with academically valuable content, conclusion, and facts relevant to the field of environmental engineering.
  2. Review papers: Review papers should provide not only the current research status, issues, and future studies with regards to the areas of expertise in environmental engineering, including literature reviews, but also academically valuable conclusions through comprehensive and creative interpretation.
  3. Technical notes: Technical notes should include creative and simple results with academically new and valuable data.
  4. Technical information: Technical information should provide new and practical information related to the areas of expertise in environmental engineering.
  5. Field reports: Field reports should provide technically valuable data based on field experiences relevant to the investigation reports of realms of expertise in environmental engineering fields as well as on the design and maintenance of environmental facilities.
  6. Special features: The Editorial Board selects topics and authors regarding proper assignments in the area of expertise related to environmental engineering and ultimately, requests such manuscripts.
  7. Letter to the Editor: These contributions include opinions, questions, and responses to the questions associated with the previous published papers of this journal. However, letters to the Editor are limited to the ones that are published within the past 2 years.

∎ Language and length of manuscripts
1) The cover of all manuscripts (the first page) should include the title, full names of researchers, institutional affiliations of researchers, positions and ORCID (Open Researchers and Contributors ID) in both Korean and English, regardless of the language used in the text.
If the affiliations of the authors are different, authors with different affiliations from the first author should be marked with a superscript numeral designation on the upper right of the researchers’ names. The primary author is the first author and the corresponding authors are marked with a symbol † on the upper right of the names.
2) The manuscript should be assigned in the following sequence:
Cover page, extended abstract in English, extended abstract in Korean (for Korean manuscripts), introduction, methods (or materials and methods), results, discussion (or results and discussion), conclusions, acknowledgements, explanation of abbreviations, references, tables, and figures.
3) Extended abstract in Korean (may be omitted if an English paper is prepared) and English should provide the objectives, methods, results and discussion, and conclusions within one and half pages. However, abstracts in Korean and English may be omitted for special features, technical notes, technical information, and field reports.
4) The body of the article (introduction to conclusion) should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, as shown in the example below. e.g.) 1, 2, 3, ……, 1.1, 1.2, ……, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ……, (1), (2), (3), ……
5) The utilization of the SI system is recommended; yet, the C.G.S.system can also be used for a widely utilized concentration unit, such as mg/L.

∎ Authorship
1) An author should meet the following criteria for authorship:
  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
2) All authors should have agreed to their individual contributions before submitting the manuscript. Authorship statements should be formatted with the names of authors first and CRediT (the Contributor Roles Taxonomy from CASRAI roles) following: Conceptualization; Data curation; Data analysis; Funding acquisition; Methodology; Project administration; Resources; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Writing - original draft; Writing - review and editing.

∎ Conflict of interest
Authors should declare competing interests. A competing interest (or ‘A conflict of interest’) may be a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship.

∎ Similarity check
The Editorial Board may check the similarity of submitted manuscripts and reject those with high similarity.

∎ Manuscript format
1) Manuscripts can be written in either Korean or English.
2) Manuscripts should be written in A4 (210×297mm) using a word processor (.doc, .hwp). The number of pages in the manuscripts is not limited, but should be within a range of 8 pages (one-sided) of the printing pages (2 pages of a manuscript with font 11 and 200% space are approximately 1 page of printing page, without tables and figures). Manuscripts can be changed for authors' conveniences.
3) Technical note and technical report shall not exceed 4 printed pages including all tables and figures.

∎ Tables and figures preparation
1) Titles and footnotes of tables and figures should be written in English and include sufficient information without referring to the text. They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (e.g.: Table 1, Table 2, Fig. 1, Fig. 2). All tables and figures should be placed on separate pages at the end. In addition, the locations of tables and figures should be notified in the text as well.
2) The first letter of the title in a table should be capitalized. Use end punctuation for table titles.
   e.g.) Table 1. Effect of temperature on BOD removal efficiency.
3) The first letter of the title in a figure should be capitalized. Use end punctuation for figure titles.
   e.g.) Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental set-up used for biological wastewater treatment.

∎ Reference style
1) References should be indicated by number(s) in superscripts in line with the text. (e.g.: ...are in agreement in the results1,3). Kim and Lee5) ) References should be listed in the following format in general. Number, authors, article title, journal title, book title, edition, publisher name, place of publication, issue (volume), and pages (year of publication)
2) For journal articles,
  1. J. S. Jeong, H. K. Kim, S. J. Lee, S-W. Jeong, Effects of diesel dose and soil texture on variation in the concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbon in the diesel-contaminated soil, J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 37(1), 69-72(2015).
  2. A. B. Kim, C. D. Lee, Study on the characteristics of active sludge processes, J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 34(1), 234-567(2012).
  3. R. Bajagain, Y. S. Park, S-W. Jeong, Feasibility of oxidation-biodegradation serial foam spraying for total petroleum hydrocarbon removal without soil disturbance, Sci. Total Environ., 626(1), 1236-1242(2018).

3) For Conference proceedings,
  1. J. H. Kim, J. C. Joo, G. W. Bang, E. B. Kang, J. S. Choi, Y. H. Kim, A study on leaching characteristics of coal bottom ash for construction site runoff control, in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, KSEE, Gwangju, pp. 355-356(2018).
  2. A. B. Kim, C. D. Lee, Study on the characteristics of active sludge processes, in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, KSEE, BEXCO, Busan, pp. 12-13(2012).

4) For Books,
  1. E. S. Choi, G. M. Cho, Environmental Engineering, 3rd ed., Chungmoongak, Seoul, Korea, pp. 294-297(1979)
  2. S-W. Jeong, Y-J. An, Environmental Remediation, 3rd ed., Donghwa Technology Publishing, Paju, Korea, pp. 210-215(2015).

5) For chapters in a book,
  1. C. D. Chelay, C. E. Elwell, Introduction to gas sampling, Evaluation of Analytical Methods for Trace Gas Sampling, V. Biero, G. E. Putnam (Eds.), Universal Publications Inc., New York, USA, pp. 11-23(1993).

6) For chapters in a book,
  1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Home Page, http://www.epa.gov, March (2019).

7) The abbreviations of the periodic prints should be based on the Chemical Abstract for English.

∎ Submission
All submissions to this journal proceed electronically via the submission page of this journal (http://submission.kosenv.or.kr).

∎ Peer Review
1) Manuscripts are sent for external blind review to experts in the field. The Editorial Board performs manuscript reviews and decide whether or not to accept manuscripts, publication orders, and printing systems for manuscripts published in the journal. The Editorial Board can request revisions without making major changes to the content of the manuscripts, if necessary, based upon the specified regulations for manuscript reviews.
2) When the Editorial Board requests manuscript revision, authors must submit revised manuscript and reviewer comments form within provided period. If revised manuscript cannot be submitted within provided period, authors must request for extension to the Editorial Board. If the manuscript is not received in time without any request of date extension, review will no longer be proceeded.

∎ Copyright
The Editorial Board possesses the copyright of all manuscripts published in the journals, and the corresponding author must submit consent prior to publication.

∎ Open access policy
Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers is an open access journal. Articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial purpose, provided the original work is properly cited. It also follows the open access policy of Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (https://openaccess.mpg.de/Berlin-Declaration). All the content of the journal is available immediately upon publication without embargo period.

∎ Manuscript rejection Manuscripts are editorially rejected 1) when they fail to meet the regulations described in article 2 and the submission regulations, 2) when they are poorly written or formatted, and 3) when pictures with unclear contrast are included.

∎ Review charges and printing charges
JKSEE is an open access and peer-reviewed journal. There are no article processing charges for English articles. For Korean articles, the journal charges submission and printing fees;

1. The review charges of Korean research papers and review papers are 60,000 won.

2. Printing charges are 15,000 won per page for all Korean manuscripts. However, per each page starting from the 7th page, a fee of 30,000 won per page is charged.

3. For papers requiring an urgent review, the review charge is 300,000 won and the printing charge is 30,000 won per page and 60,000 won from the 7th page. When papers are requested for an urgent review, the 1st review is completed within 30 days from the submission day, and the papers can be published on the following month. If they are not published due to a delay in the review process, the general review charges are applied. However, urgent review charges are not refundable when the delay is a result of making more than 2 revisions due to poor quality of formatting and content.

∎ Archiving policy
Full text of Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers has been archived in ScienceCentral from the first issue of Volume 39, 2017. Deposit policy (Self-archiving policy) according to Sherpa/Romeo (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/) Author cannot archive pre-print (i.e. pre-refereeing). Author can archive post-print (i.e. final draft postrefereeing). Author can archive publisher's version/PDF.

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Editorial Office
464 Cheongpa-ro, #726, Jung-gu, Seoul 04510, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-2-383-9653   FAX : +82-2-383-9654   E-mail : ksee@kosenv.or.kr
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