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Review Regulations > For Authors and Reviewers > Review Regulations

Article 1. Research articles and reviews submitted to the Journal of Korean Society Environmental Engineers are reviewed and accepted based on the regulations.

Article 2.

  1. Reviewers are appointed by the editorial committee. However, for papers in which an editor is the author, another editor selects the reviewers.
  2. Experts in the same or similar fields with submitted papers should be selected as reviewers.

Article 3. More than two reviewers review the submitted papers for an acceptance or a rejection decision.

Article 4.

  1. Reviewers should review the submitted manuscript within 2 weeks after the request and send their reviewer comments via E-submission (http://submit.kosenv.or.kr).
  2. If the reviewer does not send the reviewer comments and the manuscript within the period set in Article 5 Section 1, the editor in chief sends an email. If the reviewer comments and the manuscript are not received within 2 weeks from the day of sending email, the manuscript should be immediately sent out to a newly selected reviewer based on Article 2.

Article 5. The society sends the copy of the reviewer comments within a week upon receipt.

Article 6. Once the review ..., a general review fee of 20,000 KRW and an urgent review fee of 50,000 KRW are paid to each reviewer for Korean papers.

Article 7. The list of reviewers should be kept confidential and any information regarding the authors would not be notified.

Article 8. The review contents may not be publicized other than by the authors.

Article 9. The review decision includes three options: “acceptance,” “revision,” or “rejection.”

  1. A manuscript with “acceptance” would be accepted without revision; in a case where a reviewer requests partial revision, the authors should revise the manuscript which then will be confirmed and accepted by the Managing Editors.
  2. A manuscript with “revision” would be specifically pointed out regarding the relevant respects and then be asked to revise or supplement. The authors should submit a revised manuscript and attach a letter (specify the corrections) which includes the responses for the indications. The reviewer should re-review and judge as either “acceptance” or “rejection,” considering the appropriateness as well as the revision of the manuscript.

Article 10. If a manuscript is considered to be applicable to one of the following sections by the reviewers, it will be judged as “rejection” by clarifying the specific reasons for such decision.

  1. If the manuscript lacks originality.
  2. A case where facts or ideas discovered by the authors are not clear in the manuscript or even if the facts or ideas are widely accepted, they are not comprehensively analyzed or clearly discussed from a different angle of methods or perspectives of the cited references.
  3. If the manuscript is not appropriated to be published in the journal due to other relevant reasons.

Article 11. Of the reviewers, if more than two reviewers judged the manuscript as “acceptance,” it will be published regardless of Articles 9 and 10. If the manuscript is judged as “rejection” by more than two reviewers, it will be rejected. If reviewers are not able to judge the manuscript as either “acceptance” or “rejection,” the Editorial Board would review and decide to accept it or not.

Article 12. If either the context of the foreign language-written manuscripts is unclear or if it is difficult to translate grammatically, the Editorial Board or the Managing Editor may suggest for the authors to revise the manuscript and resubmit.

Article 13. Submitted manuscripts would be decided for final acceptance as soon as possible unless there are special reasons for a delay.

Article 14. The Urgent Review Process indicates that the first review is completed within 30 days from the submission; this process will be charged double the manuscripts of a general submission. However, if the review result is ‘revision’ or other cases (Ed note: This is unclear. Please clarify.) such that the acceptance of the manuscript is uncertain, the final decision may be postponed. The order of publication for a manuscript accepted through the Urgent Review Process is identical to that of the general manuscript.

Article 15. Authors who published their article in the journal may have to undergo reviews at least three times; if the authors deny such reviews without reason, the Editorial Board can limit the authors’ future publications in the journal.

Article 16. The above regulations will be implemented starting from January 1, 2025.

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